What is a high frequency electronic transformer - fbelec.com | FBelec
What is a high frequency electronic transformer
  • An accurate definition is an electronic transformer with high working frequency. Generally, if the working frequency is higher than 20kHz, it is high frequency . The definition of high frequency electronic transformer is very clear, but it is misled by some opinions expressed by some domestic experts. Next, in order to return the true face of high-frequency electronic transformer, it is necessary to clarify the concepts of transformer, electronic transformer and high-frequency electronic transformer, so as to eliminate those misunderstandings?

  • First, find out what a transformer is? The transformer working on the principle of electromagnetic induction refers to adding alternating voltage to the primary winding of the coil to generate alternating magnetic flux, and inducing output voltage in the secondary winding, so as to transmit energy, transform voltage (or signal) and isolate electrical insulation.

    To generate electromagnetic induction, the primary winding must be applied with alternating voltage, and there can be no transformer with DC voltage as working power supply. The statement that the DC voltage is used as the working power supply is a misunderstanding that the DC to AC inverter or variable frequency power supply is included in the scope of the transformer.

    As long as there is electromagnetic induction, the transformer can work without a magnetic core. For example, an electronic transformer with a working frequency of MHz is a hollow transformer made of printed circuit board. The statement that the high-frequency electronic transformer is "a magnetic transformer used in a frequency conversion circuit" belongs to the double misunderstanding that the frequency conversion circuit is included in the scope of the transformer and that the transformer must have a magnetic core.

    No matter the working frequency of the transformer is high or low, it transmits energy through electromagnetic induction. The transmission energy is related to the material, structure, size and working frequency of the transformer. If the transmitted energy is a fixed value, the working frequency is high, the number of times of transmitting energy in a certain time is more, and the energy transmitted each time can be less, the transformer uses less materials and the structural size is small. The view that the transformer has limited transmission energy and needs to use high frequency to increase transmission energy is a misunderstanding of putting the cart before the horse. Using pulse width modulation (PWM) to change the transmission energy and voltage of transformer is only an external control method. Not only high-frequency transformer but also low-frequency transformer can be used. It is also a misunderstanding to think that after PWM control, the energy transmission mode of high-frequency transformer and low-frequency transformer is different, and the voltage change mode of high-frequency transformer and low-frequency transformer is different.

  • Secondly, find out what is an electronic transformer? Electronic transformer is a transformer used in electronic circuits and electronic equipment. If the scope is expanded, it includes transformers, inductors, mutual inductors and other electromagnetic components used in all electronic circuits and electronic equipment. Electronics is not limited to power electronics (the more common term in China is power electronics), but also includes industrial electronics, information electronics, wireless electronics and microelectronics. Although electronic transformers are different from power transformers, they are not different from RF signal transformers, nor are they limited to "power transformers in switching power converter circuits". Power transformer is only one of the electronic transformers. If we only look at the success rate of the electronic transformer, it will inevitably be a prison. Therefore, it is a misunderstanding to limit electrons to power electrons and electronic transformers to power transformers.

    Again, find out what is a high-frequency electronic transformer? There is a common saying about the division of high, medium and low working frequency of electronic transformer, that is, the working frequency of 50Hz or 60Hz is called power frequency, or below it is called low frequency; 60Hz to 20kHz is called intermediate frequency, and 400Hz is intermediate frequency, not power frequency; Above 20kHz is called high frequency. Why choose 20kHz as the limit? Because 20kHz is the upper limit of audio frequency, beyond which you can't hear audible noise. Therefore, the operating frequency exceeds 20kHz, and it is high frequency from 20kHz to MHz and GHz. There are two misunderstandings in the formulation of "electronic transformer with application frequency range from tens of kHz to several megakhz": one is 20kHz, which is different from tens of kHz. One is a few GHz, not a few megakhz.

    In MHz high-frequency electronic transformers, Follow transformers are used in more and more application fields. Discussing the structure, design method, manufacturing process and application characteristics of air core transformer is also its research and development direction. In addition, the research of high-frequency electronic transformers with new working principles such as piezoelectric transformers is also the development direction. After nearly ten years of research and development, piezoelectric transformers have been applied in some fields.

    Using computer to optimize and design the overall structure scheme is one of the main development directions of various electronic devices. Of course, it is also a main development direction of high-frequency electronic transformer. This can shorten the design time, reduce the material consumption, shorten the production cycle and reduce the cost.

  • FBelec is dedicated to setting a high bar of excellence for industries that integrate or utilize magnetics technologies in our High Frequency Transformer products.


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