What is an Voltage Inverters and power inverter - fbelec.com | FBelec
What is an Voltage Inverters and power inverter
  • FBelec’s voltage inverters are trusted solutions for converting power efficiently and reliably. Whether you need an inverter for residential, industrial, automotive, or renewable energy applications, FBelec offers a range of high-quality products to meet your needs. Explore FBelec’s offerings today and find the perfect voltage inverter solution for your power conversion needs.
  • What is an Voltage Inverters,power inverter

    Inverter is a converter that converts DC electric energy (battery and storage bottle) into constant frequency, constant voltage or frequency modulation and voltage regulation AC (generally 220V, 50Hz sine wave). It consists of inverter bridge, control logic and filter circuit. It is widely used in air conditioners, home cinemas, electric grinding wheels, electric tools, sewing machines, DVDs, VCDs, computers, televisions, washing machines, range hoods, refrigerators, video recorders, massagers, fans, lighting, etc. In foreign countries, due to the high popularity of cars, inverters can be used to connect batteries to drive electrical appliances and various tools when working or traveling. The on-board inverter output through the cigarette lighter is 20W, 40W, 80W, 120W to 150W power specifications. The higher power inverter should be connected to the battery through the connecting line. Connecting household appliances to the output of the power converter can use various appliances in the car. The electrical appliances that can be used include: mobile phones, laptops, digital cameras, cameras, lighting lamps, electric shavers, CD players, game consoles, handheld computers, electric tools, car refrigerators, various tourism, camping, medical first-aid appliances, etc.

    Sine wave inverter, DC-AC Inverters.

    According to the properties of wave string

    It is mainly divided into two categories: one is sine wave inverter and the other is square wave inverter.

    Sine wave inverter outputs the same or even better sine wave AC as the power grid we use every day, because it does not have electromagnetic pollution in the power grid.

    The output of square wave inverter is poor quality square wave AC, and its positive maximum value to negative maximum value are generated almost at the same time, which has a severe unstable impact on the load and the inverter itself. At the same time, its load capacity is poor, only 40-60% of the rated load, and inductive load is not allowed. If the load is too large, the third harmonic component contained in the square wave current will increase the capacitive current flowing into the load, and in serious cases, it will damage the power filter capacitor of the load.

    In view of the above shortcomings, quasi sine wave (or improved sine wave, modified sine wave, analog sine wave, etc.) inverter appears. Its output waveform has a time interval from positive maximum value to negative maximum value, and the use effect has been improved. However, the waveform of quasi sine wave is still composed of broken lines, belonging to the category of square wave, with poor continuity.

    In general, sine wave inverter provides high-quality AC and can drive any kind of load, but the technical requirements and cost are high. Quasi sine wave inverter can meet most of our power needs, with high efficiency, low noise and moderate price, so it has become the mainstream product in the market. The square wave inverter is made of simple multivibrator. Its technology belongs to the level of the 1950s and will gradually withdraw from the market. Power Voltage Inverter

    According to different power sources, inverters are divided into coal power inverter, solar inverter, wind energy inverter and nuclear energy inverter. According to different purposes, it is divided into independent control inverter and grid connected inverter.

    In the world, the efficiency of solar inverters is higher in Europe and America. The European standard is 97.2%, but the price is more expensive. The efficiency of other domestic inverters is less than 90%, but the price is much cheaper than that of imports.

    In addition to power and waveform, it is also very important to select the efficiency of the inverter. The higher the efficiency, the less electric energy will be wasted on the inverter and more electric energy will be used for electrical appliances, especially when you use a low-power system.

  • Application fields of inverter

    1. The 220V power obtained by the inverter on the car is 220V 50Hz, the high-grade ones are sine wave, and the cheap ones are generally square wave.

    The sine wave is the same as the electricity connected to the socket, but the square wave can also be used. However, if you use fans and other equipment with motors, there will be some noise. The reason why you use square wave is because the cost of this modulation method is relatively low. Generally, the maximum power of the on-board inverter is only 500 watts, and the air conditioner is generally more than 700 watts. The air conditioner in the car, including those buses, uses the engine to drive the compressor directly, not electricity. If there is an electric conversion process in the middle, the loss will be even greater. And it's not easy to install. It's better to use car air conditioning.

    2. It's OK to connect notebook, TV, CD player and other things as long as they are used at their rated power. However, it should be noted that they are connected to the car battery. Although they usually automatically protect the power off at 11V to prevent the car from starting due to low voltage, they are still not suitable for use when the engine is not running, so if the load is relatively large, It is still recommended to start the engine. If it's charging the phone, there's no problem.

    3. On the electric vehicle, there is a module called DC-DC, which is also called DC converter. This module inputs 48V and outputs 12V. Then you can use it as long as you buy an on-board inverter with 12V input. Of course, if you can buy a 48V input inverter, it is better, but it is estimated that it is difficult to buy. Moreover, this module can only provide 5A current, up to 10a, and lights are also used, so it is easy to overload.

    Suggestion: if you can, buy an additional DC converter, which is dedicated to supplying power to your inverter. Then if the DC converter can only provide 5a, the inverter input should be less than 5a, otherwise the module may be damaged. Of course, some DC converters have a large current flow. If there is no place to repair the car, You can go to some electric appliance stores or ask them to repair them to feed you a high current, or multiple DC converters can be connected in parallel. In short, don't overload them.

    4. There is a VVVF traction inverter on urban rail vehicles, which is used for frequency conversion and voltage transformation. During train traction, the high voltage (generally DC750V or DC1500V) is transformed into three-phase electricity with adjustable frequency and voltage, which is supplied to the traction electric motor, During braking, the three-phase electric energy generated by the rotation of traction motor driven by train inertia can be converted into DC and fed back to the power grid or consumed through the energy consumption module.

    The main applications of inverter in communication field are

    Provide AC auxiliary power supply for DC power supply.

    Some maintenance tools need AC power supply, and DC power supply cannot provide AC power supply, which can be provided by inverter.

    Provide DC-AC conversion function for photovoltaic grid connected power supply system.

    The DC generated by the solar system is inverted into AC and input into the power grid.

    Design and implementation of vehicle inverter editing and broadcasting

    The design adopts the method of high-frequency DC boost and sine wave inverter to design an on-board inverter from 12V DC boost to 220V / 50Hz AC, which is mainly composed of DC boost circuit formed by push-pull circuit, full bridge inverter circuit, control circuit with AT89C52 single chip microcomputer as control chip, etc. The main circuit structure of DC boost circuit is push-pull inverter circuit, which completes the conversion from 12V DC to 310V DC; AT89C52 single chip microcomputer is programmed according to SPWM control technology to complete the control of sine wave output and protection function of full bridge inverter circuit. The design circuit is modeled and simulated by MATLAB software. The results show that the on-board inverter has good operating characteristics.

    The on-board inverter generally uses the automobile battery or cigarette lighter for power supply. First, the low-voltage DC is converted to about 265V DC, and then the high-voltage DC is converted to 220V and 50Hz AC. The on-board inverter breaks many limitations of using electrical appliances in the vehicle. The on-board power supply is not only applicable to the on-board system, but can be used as long as there is DC12V DC power supply. The on-board inverter fully considers the external service environment, and will automatically protect and shut down in case of overload or short circuit.

  • Application method of on-board inverter

    1. Insert the on-board inverter into the socket of the automobile cigarette lighter. When inserting, please check the tightness between the plug and the socket. When it is too loose, open the shrapnel on both sides of the insert head, and then insert it into the cigarette socket.
    2. Confirm whether the power indicator of on-board inverter is on.
    3. Insert the power plug of the electrical appliance to be used into the socket of the on-board power converter.

    Matters needing attention

    1. When unplugging the electrical appliance in continuous use, be sure to confirm whether the switch of the electrical appliance in use has been turned to "off", and then unplug the power plug.
    2. When replacing the fuse of on-board inverter, be sure to use the fuse of the same model and specification. The use of fuse or wire other than the specified specification will cause abnormal overheating and fire.
    3. Clean the dirt at the plug of on-board inverter in time to avoid poor contact or abnormal overheating of the converter.
    4. When using or not using the on-board inverter, unplug the on-board inverter from the cigarette lighter socket and keep it properly.

    Selection of on-board inverter

    On board inverter is a kind of power supply product working in high current and high frequency environment, and its potential failure rate is quite high. Therefore, consumers must be careful when buying:

    First, select from the inverter output waveform, preferably not lower than the quasi sine wave;

    Secondly, the inverter should have complete circuit protection function;

    Third, manufacturers should have good after-sales service commitments;

    Fourth, circuits and products have been tested for a period of time.
    1. In addition to the price factor, the selection of on-board power supply mainly needs to consider the requirements of on-board power supply for input voltage and output power. In addition, due to the great difference in the power of various electrical appliances, the on-board power supply shall be selected according to the use demand in principle of sufficiency.
    2. According to different types of electrical appliances used, it is necessary to select appropriate on-board power supply. For daily resistive electrical appliances, square wave, correction wave and sine wave can be used together, and for inductive electrical appliances, sine wave inverter must be selected.
    3. Square wave / correction wave inverter power supply can not carry inductive load and capacitive load, can not drive air conditioner and refrigerator, and is difficult to provide power for high-quality audio and television. Strictly speaking, square wave / correction wave inverter power supply will affect the service life of electrical appliances, and these problems will not appear when using sine wave inverter.
    4. The cigarette lighter insurance in general cars is 10A or 15A (10A insurance is mostly old models or original imported models), which shows that the on-board inverter power supply that can be used in general cars is 120W or 180W. If a high-power inverter (more than 180W or 200W) is required, be sure to check whether there is battery clamp in the package. The use of high-power inverter without battery clamp on cars will be limited.
    5. The vehicle power supply will have insurance at the cigarette lighter end. FBelec reminds you that you must open it when purchasing. This insurance does not match the insurance of the vehicle cigarette lighter (theoretically, it should be less than or equal to the insurance of the cigarette lighter), so that the insurance of the cigarette lighter can work. On the contrary, it will burn out the insurance of the vehicle cigarette lighter, It will cause unnecessary trouble.


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