electronic component drone
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  • Disruptive design concept
    The design concept of the unified flight platform, the highly folded shape design and the modular mounting design reflect FBELEC new understanding and ultimate interpretation of the future application of UAVs. The demanding reliability testing and safety settings provide sufficient guarantee for the user's safe flight experience.

    Intelligent features
    Complete functional configuration, long endurance flight performance, intelligent follow-up shooting, expand more possibilities of drone applications.

    The ultimate control experience
    The unique dual remote control design redefines the drone's control and interpersonal interaction. The highly ergonomic remote control setting and the bold and simple APP design make the comfortable and comfortable control and shooting truly under the control of one hand.


  • E-mail: sales@fbelec.com
  • Tel: 86-574-87793491
  • Add: 262#416Lane ZhaoHui Road YinZhou NingBo China
  • Phone: 18868647636
  • wechat

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