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  • Humans and robots are working more closely together. Sensors help robots make more intelligent decisions and give them the ability to sense objects, the environment, or their own position. Thanks to sensors from FBELEC, robots perceive more precisely - the

    prerequisite for close collaboration. For all challenges in the field of robotics: Robot Vision, Safe Robotics, End-of-Arm Tooling, and Position Feedback.

    Flexible automation solutions thanks to Robot Vision technology and freely accessible robotics applications - this is the future that has already begun. Sensor solutions from FBELEC make this future possible. Humans and machines work hand in hand - just like FBELEC together with its customers.


  • E-mail: sales@fbelec.com
  • Tel: 86-574-87793491
  • Add: 262#416Lane ZhaoHui Road YinZhou NingBo China
  • Phone: 18868647636
  • wechat

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